《Still Waiting After 60 years: Justice for Survivors of Japan's Military Sexual Slavery System 》是國際特赦組織為二次大戰期間被強迫成為慰安婦的女性爭取應有正義與人權的一份報告,完整的全文內容在此。
The struggle for justice by surviving "comfort women" and their supporters demonstrates that calls for justice do not fade; rather they can grow stronger as survivors develop strength and courage. As they age, they have an increasing sense of urgency fuelled by not wanting to die without seeing justice rendered to them. To date, Japan’s actions have ignored the needs of former "comfort women" and actually compounded the human rights violations committed against them through the denial of justice. There urgency to resolve this issue – to deliver justice – grows more pressing as survivors are now in their twilight years.
Japan is currently heavily involved as a leading donor in the post conflict reconstruction of countries that have been ravaged by conflicts. Amnesty International asserts that such commitments ring hollow if Japan refuses to deal with its own past and the injustices it has perpetrated. Japan has the opportunity to show global leadership on human rights concerns. Settling the issue of compensation and apology for military sexual enslavement - despite the time lapse - would send a clear message to the international that Japan is committed to human rights and would aid Japan’s reconciliation with its neighbours. A refusal to address past and present human rights violations will ensure Japan’s isolation from states increasingly committed to advancing and promoting universal human rights.
A Rights-centred Approach
The issue of military sexual slavery by the Japanese Imperial Army is a very emotionally charged one; it symbolises suffering during Japanese expansionism and occupation. Affected governments have called on Japan accurately to record its wartime and colonial past while failing to record their own recent histories in an objective manner. Home governments of surviving "comfort women" have ignored their plight for decades and, in terms of their relations with Japan, have prioritised economic and political considerations above the interests of the survivors. By highlighting the plight of the "comfort women" and calling on Japan to offer full and adequate reparations Amnesty International is not supporting any particular political viewpoint. Rather, the organisation wants the focus to be shifted to the plight of the survivors who have largely been ignored by Japan, the post-war Allies and victims’ home governments. By focusing on the survivors, Amnesty International intends to send a clear message to all governments that this is a current human rights issue not one relegated to the past - it is about lives that have been destroyed as a result of sexual slavery and the continued denial of justice.
Research for this Report
The true number of women and girls kept as sex slaves by the Japanese military will never be known. Information detailing the location and number of "comfort stations" was destroyed. Many women died in combat, were executed after the war or never made it home. Some women were kept in organised "comfort stations" and were subject to inhuman and degrading forms of sexual violence, others were raped as soldiers stormed their village or were taken at the whim of soldiers and kept as sex slaves. A number of women also stayed on and assimilated with the people of the country to which they were taken. As time has passed, more and more survivors have died of old age never having spoken of what they went through and never seeing any form of justice.
This report is part of the global Amnesty International campaign to Stop Violence Against Women. The campaign highlights the need for states to meet their international and national commitments to stopping violence against women. Amnesty International undertook research for this report by sending a delegation, during March 2005, to the Philippines and South Korea to meet and interview survivors. A representative of the organisation also met with a Dutch survivor currently residing in Australia. Amnesty International met with over 55 survivors of the sexual slavery system.
Amnesty International would like to thank all the individuals and organisations who provided their valuable time and insights, the organisation would particularly like to thank, Violence Against Women in War - Network Japan (VAWW-NET), The Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan, Lola Kampanyeras, Kaisa Ka! and Lila Filipina. Above all Amnesty International would like to thank the women, many of whom are now very elderly, who courageously spoke about their suffering. In their old age they continue to demand justice and are an inspiration to women around the world.
國際特赦組織感謝所有提供寶貴時間與觀點的個人與團體,也特別感謝日本的「戰爭中受暴力侵犯婦女保護組織」、「韓國慰安婦對日索償協調會」、「Lola Kampanyeras, Kaisa Ka! and Lila Filipina.」組織的幫助。除此之外,國際特赦組織亦感謝許多以垂垂老矣卻仍舊鼓起勇氣說出他們過往遭遇的女性,在他們的晚年仍持續要求應得的正義公理並鼓舞了全世界的女性。
1 Military Sexual Slavery: Widespread and Systematic
The Japanese "comfort women" system "consisted of the legalised military rape of subject women on a scale – and over a period of time – previously unknown in history".(5)
The first military "comfort station" providing on-site sex for the Japanese army was established in Shanghai around 1932.(6) Full-scale institutionalisation of such facilities for sexual slavery appears to have begun after 1937. That year the Japanese Imperial Army captured Nanjing, China. During their assault, troops committed torture including rape and killing of civilians on such a massive scale that it is referred to as the "Rape of Nanjing".(7) Mass rapes attracted international attention and outrage(8) and were also considered "a serious obstacle to maintaining order in occupied China".(9) Thereafter the army called for the widespread establishment of military "comfort stations". Then and subsequently the Japanese authorities attempted to justify the controlled system as a means to: reduce the number of rapes in areas where the army was based; prevent sexually transmitted diseases; counter the threat of espionage(10) and provide a recreation facility for soldiers – sex would improve soldier’s morale and relieve them of "combat stress".(11)
1. 軍事性的性奴隸制度:普遍性與系統化
第一個提供日本軍隊在地「性服務」的慰安婦基地在1932年建立於上海,而完整制度化的性奴隸場所則在1937後被建立。這一年,日本皇軍入侵佔領了中國的南京,在他們的攻擊侵略的期間裡頭,軍隊犯下了包括強姦與殺害無辜平民等等慘無人道的嚴重行為,世人將其稱做「南京大屠殺」。彼時,大量的姦淫擄掠受到了國際注目與公憤,並被認為是對於維護受到佔領的中國之社會秩序造成極大的障礙。而後,「慰安基地」被軍方要求在戰區普遍地建立,日本當局企圖將這麼一個有系統的控制制度賦予合法解釋:此舉是為了減少軍方駐紮地強姦案件的發生,避免性疾病的傳染,減低諜報的威脅並提供士兵一個休閒娛樂的場所 – 性行為能夠增進士兵的士氣與解放戰爭的壓力。
The military sexual slavery system developed with Japanese colonization and military expansion across the region. So called "comfort stations" were set up across China,(12) including Taiwan, as well as Borneo, the Philippines, many of the Pacific Islands, Singapore, Malaya, Burma and Indonesia.(13) The victims were Chinese, Taiwanese, Korean, Filipina, Malaysian, Indonesian, Dutch, East Timorese and Japanese.(14) Ex-soldiers have also disclosed in memoirs and interviews that women from Viet Nam, Thailand, Burma and the USA were also forced into "prostitution".(15) By the end of World War II "comfort stations" were a widespread and regular phenomenon.(16)
Much evidence exists detailing the official sanctioning of the "comfort women" system by the Japanese government. Reports and regulations include rules on: inspection of facilities, venereal examinations, schedules for use of the "brothels" by officers or lower ranking soldiers and rates they had to pay.(17)As the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women stated in her 1996 report:
"These regulations are some of the most incriminating of the documents to have survived the war. Not only do they reveal beyond doubt the extent to which the Japanese forces took direct responsibility for the comfort stations and were intimately connected with all aspects of their organization, but they also clearly indicate how legitimized and established an institution the stations had become." (18)
Documents recovered disclose that military control of the "comfort women" system was organised at the highest level. Official directives expose the role of the War Ministry and military in the ‘recruitment’ process and detailed reports reveal that civilian recruiters were also subject to military control.(19)
《Reds》,中文片名為烽火赤燄萬里情,是Warren Beatty 1981年自導自演並榮獲該年度奧斯卡最佳導演獎的影片。內容敘述一次世界大戰期間,美國共產黨員John Reed的故事。John Reed是一個充滿理想主義思想的文字工作者,最著名的著作《Ten Days that Shook the World》描寫其親眼目睹俄國於一次世界大戰後期發生的布爾什維克革命的日記,而他也是唯一一位死後安葬於克里姆林宮的美國公民
眼見資本家密集的社會結構不斷地壓榨基層勞工,John Reed亟欲組織工會力量,使勞工的基本權益受到保障,共產主義於當時宛若抵達理想的便捷近路,左派思想、共產主義與理想主義之間被劃上等號。Louise Bryant與John Reed之間的愛情在混亂的時代中風雨飄搖,大時代的動盪,理想主義的實踐與崩塌,處於政治與愛情間遊移擺盪。
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