
Muse - The Resistance


自從2007年2月28日那場「正義無敵」演唱會之後,Muse在心目中的地位已然超越其他同儕樂隊,該場演唱會的激情與感動一路跟隨陪伴,即便爾後觀看了為數不少的大小音樂祭與個唱演出,以Matt Bellamy、Christopher Wolstenholme及Dominic Howard三人所組成的團體卻從未讓出冠軍寶座,若要用一個順應現下潮流的語彙來形容它的話,那會誇張地稱之為「我們的烏茲塔克」。那已經變成共同記憶,即便當下也許熟識如大學同窗好友,或者陌生、在生命路途上毫無重疊交會,但爾後相遇重逢的時刻,那場演唱會儼然變成一個符號、識別證一般地重要。

因此,對於這張作為07年演唱會之後發行的首張專輯《The Resistance》,其所乘載的無限期盼與想望是難以掩飾的。新專輯加重電氣化的嘗試,重拍踩著滿佈電子聲響的節奏,樂團似乎決意拋開以吉他搖滾為主軸所拉扯出巨大張力的編曲形式。而Matt 自小學習古典音樂的深厚底子也在這張專輯中大肆張揚開來,不但在《United States Of Eurasia 》中取樣了蕭邦夜曲,專輯尾聲更一口氣打造概念性的古典三部曲,樂團的強烈企圖心毫無掩飾地展露在世人面前。

此外,專輯歌詞所建構的故事則是來自George Orwell 於 1949年出版的《1984》(今年恰好是該書60週年紀念) 樂團主唱Matt Bellamy 在BBC 的訪談中提到這本反烏托邦三大著作之一對新專輯的影響:

“When I read it this time I was much more taken with the love story. I read it once in school about 15 years ago it was all about the politics. But when I read it this time I was much more taken with the love story in the book between Juliette and Winston.”

“In the early years I was confused about what my emotions were trying to express. As I said, being in England or seeing what’s going on in England has defined it as being a lot more direct and a lot more down to earth. I think the first song [Uprising] sums up how a lot of people feel and it’s that we need to change.”

所以在專輯同名歌曲〈Resistance〉中我們聽到Matt 高唱〝Love is our resitance. They keep us apart and they won't stop breaking us down. And hold me, our lips must always be sealed 〞來歌頌哀悼Winston與Julia 的愛情;〝They’ll try to push drugs. Keep us all dumbed down and hope that we will never see the truth around 〞則控訴「老大哥」「大政府」從不間斷試圖欺瞞人民、掩蓋事實的惡劣行徑;而〈United States of Eurasia 〉更是莞爾地直接把書裡的歐亞國搬了進來。

Muse自上一張專輯《Black Hole And Revelations》便開始藉由歌曲批判當前世界大國們的種種錯誤決定,而此番更以《The Resistance》進一步探究更深層的人文價值與自由意識的重要性。或許在團員嘻笑辱罵的調皮行徑身後,真確地藏著一個與眾多前輩樂團如U2, Radiohead, R.E.M 相似的靈魂,他們不只是悠遊於「娛樂圈」的商業樂團,更試著藉由音樂與文字力量讓聽者覺醒,進而造成某種程度的改變,持續對這日趨蠻橫無理、世道傾頹的世界發出「反抗之聲」。


Undisclosed Desires

